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发布日期 :2018-06-11作者 :点击 :

姓名 陈虹 民族

出生日期 1963年 工作单位 控制科学与工程系
党派 专业 控制理论与控制工程
职称 教授 任职时间 2000年5月
硕导/博导 博士导师 聘任时间 1999年6月
行政职务 汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室 担任时间 2015年5月
电子信箱 chenh@jlu.edu.cn
1979.09-1983.07 浙江大学 化工自动化专业    学士
1963.09-1986.07 浙江大学 工业自动化专业 工学硕士
1992.02-1997.10 德国斯图加特大学 自动控制技术专业  工学博士
1997.12-1999.05 原吉林工业大学  车辆工程   博士后
1986.09-1992.07  原吉林工业大学  讲师
1992.02-1992-12 德国卡尔斯鲁尔大学机器人学研究所  研究人员
1993.09-1997.10  德国斯图加特大学系统动力学与控制工程研究所 研究人员
1997.11-1999.06  原吉林工业大学  副教授
1999.06-至今 韦德体育bevictor 博士生导师、教授
中国自动化学会车辆控制与智能化专业委员会  主任委员 2016.10-至今
中国自动化学会过程控制专业委员会 常委 2014.08-至今
中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会 委员 2013.02-至今
吉林省汽车电子技术资讯委员会 主任委员 2015.01-至今
《中国科学-信息科学》编辑委员会 委员 2015.07-至今
《先进控制专题》 16学时 本科大四员工
1.国家重点研发计划项目,SQ2018YFB010021,自动驾驶电动汽车测试与评价技术,2018/01-2020/12,   2969万元,在研,项目负责人
3.国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流重点项目,61520106008,面向安全性的电动化汽车能效滚动优化,   2016/01-2020/12,294万,在研,主持。
4.国家973计划课题,2012CB821202、跨尺度微重力补偿实现的基座控制、2012/01 -   2016/12、425万、已结题、主持。
5.国家自然科学基金重点项目,61034001、基于数据的汽车发动机动力总成分析与控制,2011/01-   2014/12,240万,已结题,主持。
8.国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金,60725311,控制系统的分析和综合,2008/01-2011/12,200 万,已结题、主持。
    1. H. Chen and B. Gao. Nonlinear Estimation and Control of Automotive   Drivetrains.Springer Verlag, Jan. 2014.
    2. 陈虹. 模型预测控制.科学出版社, 2013.
    1.S-Y Yu,T Qu,F Xu,H Chen,Y-F Hu,Stability of finite horizon model   predictive control with incremental input constraints,   Automatica,79(2017):265–272
    2.Guo L, Gao B, Liu Q, et al. On-line Optimal Control of the Gearshift   Command for Multi-speed Electric Vehicles[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on   Mechatronics, 2017, 22(4): 1519-1530. SCI
    3.Guo L, Gao B, Gao Y, et al. Optimal Energy Management for HEVs in   Eco-Driving Applications Using Bi-Level MPC[J]. IEEE Transactions on   Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, 18(8): 2153-2162. SCI
    4.Guo L, Gao B, Li Y, et al. A fast algorithm for nonlinear model   predictive control applied to HEV energy management systems[J]. Science China   Information Sciences, 2017, 60(9): 092201. SCI
    5.Guo L, Gao B, Chen H. Online Shift Schedule Optimization of 2-Speed   Electric Vehicle Using Moving Horizon Strategy[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on   Mechatronics, 2016, 21(6): 2858-2869
    6.F. Wang, H. Chen and D. Cao. Nonlinear coordinated motion control of road   vehicles after a tire blowout. IEEE T. Control Systems Technology,   24(3):956-970, 2016.
    7.T. Qu, H. Chen, Y. Ji, H. Guo and Y. Xu. A stochastic model predictive   control approach for modelling human driver steering control. Int. J. Vehicle   Design, 70(3):249-277, 2016.
    8. F. Xu, H. Chen, X. Gong and Q. Mei. Fast nonlinear model predictive   control on FPGA using particle swarm optimization. IEEE T. Industrial   Electronics, 63(1):310-321, 2016.
    9.T. Qu, H. Chen, D. Cao, H. Guo and B. Gao. Switching-based stochastic   model predictive    control approach for modeling driver steering skill. IEEE T. Intelligent   Transportation
    Systems, 16(1):365-375, 2015.
    10. Y. Wang, B. Gao and H. Chen. Data-driven design of parity space-based   FDI system for    AMT vehicles. IEEE/ASME T. Mechatronics, 20(1):405-415, 2015.
    11. X. Lu, H. Chen, B. Gao, Z. Zhang and W. Jin. Data-driven predictive   gearshift control    for dual-clutch transmissions and FPGA implementation, IEEE T. Industrial   Electronics,    62(1):599-610, 2015.
    12. B. Gao, H. Yue and H. Chen. Multi-speed torque coupler of hybrid   electric vehicle to    exploit energy reduction potential. Int. J. Vehicle Design,   69(1-4):255-272, 2015.
    13.B. Gao, H. Chen, Q. Liu and H. Chu. Position control of electric clutch   actuator using a    triple-step nonlinear method. IEEE T. Industrial Electronics,   61(12):6995-7003, 2014.
    14. H. Chen, X. Gong, Q. Liu and Y. Hu. Triple-step method to design   non-linear controller    for rail pressure of gasoline direct injection engines. IET Control Theory   and Applications,    8(11):948-959, 2014.
    15. Q. Liu, H. Chen,Y. Hu, P. Sun and J. Li. Modeling and control of the   fuel injection system    for rail pressure regulation in GDI engine. IEEE/ASME T. Mechatronics,   19(5):1501-1513,    2014
    16. M. Ma, H. Chen, X. Liu and F. Allg¨ower. Moving horizon H1 control of   variable speed    wind with actuator saturation. IET Renewable Power Generation,   8(5):498-508, 2014.
    17. B. Gao, X. Lu, J. Li and H. Chen. Dynamics and control of gear upshift   in automated    manual transmissions. Int. J. Vehicle Design, 63(1):61-83, 2013.
    18. B. Gao, H. Chen, X. Lu and K. Sanada. Improved optimal controller for   start-up of AMT    trucks in consideration of driver’s intention. Int. J. Automotive   Technology, 14(2):213-220,    2013.
    19.H. Guo, H. Chen, F. Xu, F.Wang and G. Lu. Implementation of EKF for   Vehicle Velocities    Estimation on FPGA. IEEE T. Industrial Electronics, 60(9):3823-3835,   2013.
    20. S. Yu, C. Bohm, H. Chen and F. Allgower. Model predictive control of   constrained LPV    systems. Int. J. Control, 85(6):671-683, 2012.
    21. H. Chen, F. Xu and Y. Xi. Field programmable gate array/system on a   programmable    chip-based implementation of model predictive controller. IET Control   Theory and Applications,    6(8):1055-1063, 2012.
    22. B. Gao, H. Chen, L. Tian, K. Sanada. A nonlinear clutch pressure   observer for automatic    transmission: considering drive-shaft compliance. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas.,   Control,    134(1):011018, 2012.
    23. B. Gao, H. Chen, J. Li, L. Tian and K. Sanada. Observer-based feedback   control during    torque phase of clutch-to-clutch shift process. Int. J. Vehicle Design,   58(1):93-108, 2012.
    24.X. Lu, H. Chen, P. Wang and B. Gao. Design of a data-driven predictive   controller for    start-up process of AMT vehicles. IEEE T. Neural Networks,   22(12):2201-2212, 2011.
    25. B. Gao, H. Chen, Y. Ma, K. Sanada. Design of nonlinear shaft torque   observer for trucks    with Automated Manual Transmission. Mechatronics, 21(6):1034-1042,   2011.
    26. H. Jing, Z. Liu and H. Chen. A switched control strategy for anti-lock   braking system    with on/off valves, IEEE T. Vehicular Technology, 60(4):1470-1484,   2011.
    27. B. Gao, H. Chen, Y. Hu and K. Sanada. Nonlinear feedforward-feedback   control of clutchto-    clutch shift technique. Vehicle System Dynamics, 49(12):1895-1911,   2011.
    28. B. Gao, H. Chen, K. Sanada and Y. Hu. Design of clutch slip controller   for automatic    transmission using backstepping. IEEE/ASME T. Mechatronics, 16(3): 498-508   June    2011.
    29. L. Zhao, Z. Liu and H. Chen. Design of a nonlinear observer for vehicle   velocity estimation    and experiments. IEEE T. Control Systems Technology, 19(3):664-672,   2011.
    30. B. Gao, H. Chen, H. Zhao and K. Sanada. A reduced-order nonlinear   clutch pressure    observer for automatic transmission. IEEE T. Control System Technology,   18(2):446-453,    2010.
    31. H. Chen, M. Ma, H. Wang, Z. Liu and Z. Cai. Moving horizon H1 tracking   control of    wheeled mobile robots with actuator saturation. IEEE T. Control System   Technology,    17(2):449-457, 2009.
    32. S. Yu, H. Chen and X. Li. Enlarging the terminal region of   quasi-infinite horizon NMPC    based on T-S fuzzy model. Int. J. Control Automation and Systems,   7(3):481-486, 2009.
    33. H. Chen. A feasible moving horizon H1 control scheme for constrained   uncertain linear    systems. IEEE T. Automatic Control, 52(2):343-348, 2007.
    34. H. Chen and C. W. Scherer. Moving horizon H1 control with performance   adaptation for    constrained linear systems. Automatica, 42(6):1033-1040, 2006.
    35. H. Chen, X. Gao and H. Wang. An improved moving horizon H1 control   scheme through    Lagrange duality. Int. J. Control, 79(3):239-248, 2006.
    36. H. Chen and K. Guo. Constrained H1 control of active suspensions: An   LMI approach.    IEEE T. Control System Technology, 13(3):412-421, 2005.
    37. H. Chen, Z. Liu and P. Sun. Application of constrained H-infinity   control to active suspension    systems on half-car models. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, 127(3):345-354,   2005.
    38. H. Chen and F. Allg¨ower. A quasi-infinite horizon nonlinear model   predictive control    scheme with guaranteed stability. Automatica, 34(10):1205-1217, 1998.   control scheme    with guaranteed stability for stable systems. Journal of Process Control,   8(5-6):475-485,    1998.


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