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发布日期 :2018-03-28作者 :点击 :

姓名  胡封晔 民族  汉

出生日期  1974年 工作单位  通信工程系
党派  共产党员 专业  通信与信息系统
职称  教授 任职时间  2014年9月
硕导/博导  博士导师 聘任时间  2016年9月
行政职务  副经理 担任时间  2017年6月
办公电话  0431-85095995 个人主页  暂无
电子信箱   hufy@jlu.edu.cn
1992.9-1996.7 西安工业大学 仪器系精密仪器专业 学士
1997.8-2000.3 韦德体育bevictor 信息工程学院通信与信息系统 硕士
2001.9-2007.6 韦德体育bevictor 伟德国际weide通信与信息系统 博士
1996.07 长春第一光学仪器厂 技术员
2000.03 韦德体育bevictor 助教
2001.09 韦德体育bevictor 讲师
2006.09 韦德体育bevictor 副教授
2011.05 新加坡南洋理工大学 访问学者
2014.09 韦德体育bevictor 教授
2016.09 韦德体育bevictor 教授 博导
1.IEEE Member
2.担任《IET Communications》和《China Communications》期刊编委委员
3.担任期刊《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》、《IEEE Transactions on   Vehicular Technology》、《IEEE Transactions on   Communications》、《Sensors》、《International Journal of Electronics》、《电子学报》审稿人   
2.长春市科技计划项目 ,小型化自助式医疗辅助系统关键技术研究(17DY017),2017.9-2019.9,30万元,在研,负责人
3.韦德体育bevictor基本科研业务费项目,智能穿戴网络终端关键技术研究, 2017.1-2018.12,10万元,在研,负责人
5.国家自然科学基金项目,基于分布式压缩感知的体域网生物信道模型与功率优化研究(61074165),2011/01-2013/12   ,36万元,已结题,负责人
8.长春市社会发展科技计划,无线体域网监护设备及上位机软件关键技术研究(2012090),2012.12-2014.12, 30万元,已结题,负责人
   [1] Bo Wang, Fengye Hu,   Yanping Zhao, and T. N. Guo, “Anomaly detection and array diagnosis in   wireless networks with multiple antennas: Framework, challenges and tools,”   IEEE Network, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 152–159, 2018.
   [2] Liheng Wang,   Fengye Hu, Zhuang Ling, and Bo Wang. Wireless Information and Power Transfer   to Maximize Information Throughput in WBAN[J]. IEEE Internet of Things   Journal, Vol.4, No.5, pp. 1663-1670, October.2017. (SCI,IF:7.596)
   [3] Fengye Hu,   Xiaolan Liu, Meiqi Shao, Dan Sui, and Liheng Wang. Wireless Energy and   Information Transfer in WBAN:An Overview [J]. IEEE Network, Vol.31, No.3, pp.   90–96, 2017. (SCI,IF:7.23)
   [4] Zhuang Ling,   Fengye Hu, Liheng Wang, Jingchao Yu, Xiaolan Liu. Point-to-Point Wireless   Information and Power Transfer in WBAN with energy harvesting [J]. IEEE   Access, Vol.5, pp. 8620–8628, 2017. (SCI,IF:3.244)
   [5] Fengye Hu, Liu   Xiaolan, Sui D, et al. Performance analysis of reliability in wireless body   area networks[J]. IET Communications, Vol.11, No.6, pp. 925–929,2017.   (SCI,IF:1.061)
   [6] Xiaolan Liu,   Fengye Hu, et al. Power Allocation for Energy Harvesting in Wireless Body   Area Networks. China Communications. Vol.14, No.6, pp.22-31, June, 2017   (SCI,IF:0.424)
   [7] Wei Xiong, Fengye   Hu, Meiqi Shao, Tao Xue. Solve communication conflict among sensor nodes in   body area network[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks.   Vol.13, No.4, pp.1-8, 2017.
   [8] Xiaolan Liu,   Fengye Hu, Wei Xiong,Yu Du and Ling Cen. Sparse Array Synthesis for WBAN with   Minimized Side lobe via Convex Optimization [J]. IET Communications, Vol.10,   No.17, pp. 2452–2460, 2016 (SCI,IF:0.624)
   [9] Fengye Hu, Lu   Wang, Shanshan Wang, Xiaolan Liu and Gengxin He. A human body posture   recognition algorithm based on BP neural network for wireless body area   networks [J]. China Communications, Vol.13, No.8, pp.125-135, Aug., 2016   (SCI,IF:0.424)
   [10] Yu Du, Fengye   Hu, Xiaolan Liu, et al. Planar Sparse Array Synthesis for Sensor Selection by   Convex Optimization with Constrained Beam Pattern [J]. Wireless Personal   Communications, Vol.89, pp. 1147-1163, April 2016 (SCI,IF:0.701)
   [11] Xiaolan Liu, Fengye Hu, Wei Xiong,Yu Du and   Ling Cen. Sparse Array Synthesis for WBAN with Minimized Side lobe via Convex   Optimization [J]. IET Communications, Vol.10, No.17, pp. 2452–2460, 2016 (SCI,IF:0.624)
   [12] Fengye Hu, Lu Wang, Shanshan Wang, Xiaolan Liu and Gengxin He. A human   body posture recognition algorithm based on BP neural network for wireless   body area networks [J]. China Communications, Vol.13, No.8, pp.125-135, Aug.,   2016 (SCI,IF:0.424)
   [13] Yu Du, Fengye Hu, Xiaolan Liu, et al. Planar Sparse Array Synthesis   for Sensor Selection by Convex Optimization with Constrained Beam Pattern   [J]. Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.89, pp. 1147-1163, April 2016 (SCI,IF:0.701)  

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