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发布日期 :2021-06-09作者 :点击 :


教授韩竹此次围绕三个专题做系列学术报告,主题分别为“MetaSensing: Reconfigurable intelligent surface Assisted RF 3D Sensing using Machine Learning”“Secure Computation with Privacy Preservation for Cyber Physical System Applications”,和“Mean Field Game Tutorial and Examples”

韩竹首先介绍了6G通信的基本知识及Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) 技术的基础和潜在应用。然后讲述了RIS辅助射频传感与定位系统,通过对三个案例的分享讨论,突出RIS的独特功能,深入讨论RIS未来发展方向的可能性。

随后的讲座中,韩竹对Cyber Physical SystemsCPS)即信息物理系统进行了介绍。通过将安全/隐私保护与各种信息物理融合建模相结合进一步介绍了跨学科研究工作的研究方向,其中分别对基于下行时钟拍卖的数据中心应急需求响应、智能家居中成本感知设备调度的ADMM方法、生理传感器机器学习的微分私有优化进行了详细讲解,表达了安全和隐私保护对于建立高度信任和安全的客户服务系统的重要意义。



   Bio: Zhu Han received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University, in 1997, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1999 and 2003, respectively. From 2000 to 2002, he was an R&D Engineer of JDSU, Germantown, Maryland. From 2003 to 2006, he was a Research Associate at the University of Maryland. From 2006 to 2008, he was an assistant professor in Boise State University, Idaho. Currently, he is a John and Rebecca Moores Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department as well as Computer Science Department at University of Houston, Texas. His research interests include security, wireless resource allocation and management, wireless communication and networking, game theory, and wireless multimedia. Dr. Han is an NSF CAREER award recipient 2010. Dr. Han has several IEEE conference best paper awards, and winner of 2011 IEEE Fred W. Ellersick Prize, 2015 EURASIP Best Paper Award for the Journal on Advances in Signal Processing and 2016 IEEE Leonard G. Abraham Prize in the field of Communication Systems (Best Paper Award for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications). Dr. Han is the winner 2021 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award. He has been IEEE fellow since 2014, AAAS fellow since 2020 and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer from 2015 to 2018. Dr. Han is 1% highly cited researcher according to Web of Science since 2017.

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