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发布日期 :2021-05-25作者 :点击 :

一、主讲题目:Lectures on Modeling and control of Hysteresis Nonlinearities in Smart Actuators

讲座一Modeling of Hysteresis Nonlinearities in Smart Actuators



Smart material based actuators are playing an increasingly important role in micro/nano-positioning applications. However, such actuators with different input frequencies and mechanical loads exhibit complex dynamics and hysteretic behaviors, posing a great challenge on applications. The characterizations of their dymanics have emerged as a significant problem. This talk is intended to raise awareness of modeling techniques and to provide an opportunity to discuss state-of-the-art solutions for the problems.  The talk is designed to appeal to an audience from different backgrounds. People working in the area of control will have a chance to interchange ideas and to view problems from different perspectives. People working in other areas will also benefit by understanding the new methods and technologies developed for control’s point of view.  

讲座二:Control of Hysteresis Nonlinearities in Smart Actuators



For decades, the existence of hysteresis nonlinearities  in smart materials has provided one of the most difficult challenges to control design engineers since the entire Laplace domain and most state space control design techniques were developed exclusively for differentiable linear or nonlinear systems. Hence, the controllers were designed where the existence of hysteresis nonlinearities in practical systems were neglected. When the systems are considered with hysteresis (non-differentiable) nonlinearities, these methods encountered substantial difficulties in the analysis, model fitting and control design stages. It was extremely difficult, if not impossible, to design or prove stability of such systems. This talk is intended to discuss state-of-the-art control techniques, especially in the absence of complete information concerning the system model and state.


苏春翌教授现任加拿大康考迪亚大学Gina Cody工程与计算机学院终身讲座教授,机器人与机电一体化系统实验室主任。苏春翌长期从事机器人控制及精密机电系统控制的理论及应用研究,取得了一系列在国际上有影响的独创性成果。苏春翌教授主持及参与加拿大国家重大项目,自然科学基金战略发展项目等政府部门及跨国公司重点研究课题。在其研究领域的著名期刊和国际会议上发表论文 500 多篇,SCI 引用率为 9400 余次,其中有多篇被列为ESI高引论文。迄今Google Scholar显示引用率超过15400次,Google Scholar h-Index64,被科睿唯安列为20192020年高被引学者。苏春翌教授曾任控制领域的顶级期刊《IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control》(理论方面),《IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology(应用方面)等刊物的副主编。现任《IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics》及机电学科的权威期刊《Mechatronics》在内的20余部国际刊物编委,是IEEE 机器人与自动化协会杰出演讲者,近 30 次担任包括 IEEE 国际重要学术会议总主席、程序委员会主席等职务。苏春翌2007 年度被评为中国教育部长江学者讲座教授、于2009 年获日本学术振兴协会(JSPS) Invitation Fellowship



会议 ID215 765 487



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